IZA/FCDO ONLINE Development Economics Course
The biggest puzzle in economics is why fundamentally equal humans living in different countries enjoy very different standards of living. The aim of this course is to bring together the very latest research in development economics that tries to answer this puzzle.
We will follow the arc of development, which starts with small subsistence entrepreneurs (normally in agriculture) and ends in large complex multinational enterprises. We will analyze how man-made organizations trade with one another, how they affect the environment in which they live and how the environment affects them in return. We will finally analyze the role of the state in regulating markets, coordinating economic activity and containing externalities.
EC330 Environmental Economics
with Clare Balboni, a new undergraduate environmental economics course is available at LSE.
BREAD-IGC Virtual PhD Course on Environmental Economics, September/November 2023
This virtual PhD-level course is designed to provide a comprehensive review of the economic questions relevant to climate change and economics of the environment. The environment is tightly linked with economic development. Poor environmental quality may slow development and development itself may be an important source of environmental degradation. On the other hand, higher incomes can help buffer people against environmental shocks and climate change. Our PhD-level course is designed to provide a comprehensive review of the economic questions relevant to climate change and economics of the environment.
EC307 - LSE Undergraduate Development Economics Course
This course explores the microeconomic foundations of economic development. We will discuss economic growth, inequality, poverty traps, labor markets, capital markets, education, health, gender, service delivery, taxation, the role of the state, governance and accountability, conflict, access to finance, infrastructure, trade, firms and markets, energy, environment and climates change. This course combines theory and empirics but maintains a strong applied focus.
PP454 - LSE Development Economics course for MPA students
This course aims to teach the necessary development economics skills - both theoretical and empirical - for high level public policy making in developing countries. We cover several topics at the forefront of development economics, including political economy, trade liberalization, growth, access to finance, technology adoption, education, health, infrastructure, property rights, land reform, gender, environment, mass media and political accountability. The emphasis will be on combining theory and data to evaluate the effectiveness of policies in these different areas.
EC535 - LSE Development Economics for Research Students
The course will cover advanced topics in development economics where current research is active. It is intended to introduce research students in economics to the latest research in development economics and to serve as an input into the research work of these students.
IZA/FCDO ONLINE Development Economics Course for Sub-Saharan Africa
The biggest puzzle in economics is why fundamentally equal humans living in different countries enjoy very different standards of living. The aim of this course is to bring together the very latest research in development economics that tries to answer this puzzle.
We will follow the arc of development that starts with small subsistence entrepreneurs (normally in agriculture) and ends in large complex multinational enterprises. We will analyze how man-made organizations trade with one another, how they affect the environment in which they live and how the environment affects them in return. We will finally analyze the role of the state in regulating markets, coordinating economic activity and containing externalities.