

June 16-19.- 30th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Bergen, Norway

Innovation and the Environment: How can we enhance resilience to climate change?; How can we design smart conservation policies?; and, How can we promote innovation and diffusion of clean energy?


December 21.- Indian Statistical Institute Conference, India

Innovation and the Environment. Slides


December 11.- Bangladesh Round Table

Innovation, Poverty and Climate Change: Towards a Nationwide Social Protection Program for Bangladesh. Slides


June 7.- LEEP Research Workshop, Exeter University

Innovation and the Environment. Slides


March 12-14.- Nobel Symposium

Microdevelopment Research in the Last 20 Years. Hosted in Stellenboch by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Programme, Video


March 8.- UCSD-WB Conference on Climate Adaptation

Join us for a workshop organized by the Office of the Chief Economist for the South Asia Region of the World Bank and the 21st Century India Center at UC San Diego’s School of Global Policy and Strategy. This in-person event aims to spark discussions on climate change adaptation in South Asia and elsewhere, bringing together experts and academia in a quest to address one of the most pressing challenges for many emerging market and developing economies.

By showcasing cutting-edge research and exploring innovative solutions, we aim to pave the way for resilient communities and sustainable futures in South Asia and beyond.

Slides, Programme


Feb 22.- Zambia Economic Growth Forum

Slides, Programme



Dec 7-8.- Chicago Coase Winter conference

Presentations on “Weathering poverty”



OCTOBER 19-20.- Keynote on Job Variety: IGC/Yale Firms/Trade/Development conference, Yale and LSE

EGC and the International Growth Centre (IGC) are hosting a two-day conference on October 19-20, 2023 on the theme of “Firms, Trade and Development.”

Slides, Programme



Presentations on “Ray of Hope? China and the rise of Solar Energy”

Slides, Programme


Aug 16.- BRAC: Innovation and Climate Change, Bangladesh

It is becoming ever more apparent that the way out of the tension between growth and climate change is innovation. These innovations will not only have to slow the emissions that are driving climate change but also protect people from the unfolding damages. This lecture will shed light on three questions. (1) How can we enhance resilience to climate change? (2) How can we design smart conservation policies? (3) How can we promote innovation and diffusion of clean energy? Research and policy in these areas is critical to achieving a balance between human activity and the natural environment. Slides


Aug 14-15.- SITE conference, Stanford

"Ray of Hope? China and the Rise of Solar Energy" Stanford Institute for Theoretical Economics (SITE) conference, 'Politically Feasible Environmental and Energy Policy' session, Stanford, CA. Website


July 24.- NBER Summer Institute, Cambridge, MA.

"Ray of Hope? China and the Rise of Solar Energy" NBER Environmental and Energy Economics Summer Institute Conference, Cambridge, MA. Website


June 27. - Berkeley Energy Institute Energy camp, Berkeley

"China and the Diffusion of Solar Energy". Hosted by the Energy Institute at the Haas School of Business, Berkeley.



June 23. - JPAL@20 Science and the Fight Against Poverty, Paris

Science and the Fight against Poverty: How Far Have We Come in 20 Years and What's Next? Hosted by the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) at the Collège de France, Paris. Website, Slides


May 5. - London Consensus Programme, LSE

Hosted by the LSE School of Public Policy. Programme, Slides


April 1-2. - Keynote: The Wealth of People, JADE-CEPR-TIME Conference on Economic Development, Tokyo, Japan

The conference is being organised jointly by the Japanese Association for Development Economics (JADE), the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), the Trinity Impact Evaluation Research Centre (TIME) at Trinity College Dublin and the Center for International Research on the Japanese Economy (CIRJE)

Website, Slides


March 11. - CESifo, Keynote presentation, Munich

Conference on Energy and Climate Economics. Hosted in Munich by CESifo Area. Website


March 1. - Why Do People Stay Poor? Lecture, LSE

Hosted in London by STICERD, BRAC, and the LSE Deparment of Economics. Website


Feb 24. - J-PAL CONVENING, London

Hosted in London by the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) and Programme


Dec 8. - Coase Project Conference, Chicago

Tropical Deforestation Survey (presented with Allan Hsiao). Hosted by the University of Chicago. Website , Slides


Dec 6. - University of Chicago Seminar, Chicago

"Ray of Hope? China and the Rise of Solar Energy" Hosted by the Energy Policy Institute of the University of Chicago. Website


Oct 25. - J-PAL South-Asia Policy Conference, Indonesia

Emerging Challenges in the Environment Landscape. Hosted in Jakarta by the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL), the University of Indonesia and the Australian Government. Programme