Chronological list of publications — Robin Burgess

Working Papers

  1. The Global Electrification Frontier and Climate Change
    Robin Burgess, Michael Greenstone, Nicholas Ryan, and Anant Sudarshan
    2025, Submitted
    PDF Short YouTube Video Long YouTube Video Economist Article IGC Blog Article
    Forbes Article Economic Times Article
  2. The Origins and Control of Forest Fires in the Tropics
    Clare Balboni, Robin Burgess, and Benjamin A. Olken
    2024, Forthcoming, The Review of Economic Studies
    PDF Online Appendix VoxDev Talks Podcast CEPR-VDEV Webinar
  3. National Borders and the Conservation of Nature
    Robin Burgess, Francisco JM Costa, and Benjamin A. Olken
    2024, Revise and Resubmit, Journal of the European Economic Association
    PDF VoxDev Article Washington Post Article
  4. The Search for Good Jobs: Evidence from a Six-Year Experiment in Uganda
    Oriana Bandiera, Vittorio Bassi, Robin Burgess, Imran Rasul, Munshi Sulaiman, and Anna Vitali
    2023, Forthcoming, Journal of Labor Economics
    PDF JPAL Blog VoxDev Talks Podcast
  5. Railroads and the Demise of Famine in Colonial India
    Robin Burgess and Dave Donaldson
    2017, Working Paper
  6. Weather, Climate Change and Death in India
    Robin Burgess, Olivier Deschenes, Dave Donaldson, and Michael Greenstone
    2017, Working Paper

Published papers

  1. Graduation
    Anton Heil, Munshi Sulaiman, Oriana Bandiera, and Robin Burgess
    2024, Handbook Chapter
  2. The Economics of Tropical Deforestation
    Clare Balboni, Aaron Berman, Robin Burgess, and Benjamin A. Olken
    2023, The Annual Review of Economics, 15, 723-754
    PDF Online Appendix
  3. Innovation, Growth, and the Environment
    Robin Burgess, Stefano Caria, Tim Dobermann, and Allegra Saggese
    2023, In: IGC White Paper on Sustainable Growth
  4. Social Incentives, Delivery Agents and the Effectiveness of Development Interventions
    Oriana Bandiera, Robin Burgess, Erika Deserranno, Ricardo Morel, Imran Rasul, and Munshi Suleiman
    2023, In: Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics, 1(1): 162-224.
    PDF VoxDev Talks Podcast JPAL Blog
  5. Technology and Development
    Menna Bishop, Robin Burgess, and Celine Zipfel
    2022, In: Introduction to Development Engineering edited by Temina Madon, Ashok Gadgil, Richard Anderson, Lorenzo Casaburi, Kenneth Lee, and Arman Rezaee, published by Springer. Pages 17-57.
    PDF Book PDF
  6. Bureaucracy and Development
    Timothy J. Besley, Robin Burgess, Adnan Khan, and Guo Xu
    2022, In: The Annual Review of Economics, 14: 397-424.
    PDF VoxEU Article
  7. Why Do People Stay Poor?
    Clare Balboni, Oriana Bandiera, Robin Burgess, Maitreesh Ghatak, and Anton Heil
    2022, In: The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 137(2): 785–844
    PDF ONLINE APPENDIX Oriana's Slides VoxDev Video (Clare) VoxDev Video (Maitreesh)
    Of Dollars and Data LSE Magazine Econimate Video VoxEU Article CEPR-VDEV Webinar Phys Org Article
  8. Microfinance and Diversification
    Oriana Bandiera, Robin Burgess, Erika Deserranno, Ricardo Morel, Imran Rasul, Munshi Sulaiman, and Jack Thiemel
    2022, Economica, 89, S239–S275
    PDF VoxEU Talks Podcast JPAL Blog
  9. Organization of the State: Home Assignment and Bureaucrat Performance
    Guo Xu, Marianne Bertrand, and Robin Burgess
    2021, The Journal of Law, Economics and Organization.
    PDF VoxDev Article VoxEU Article The Print Article
  10. Cycles of Fire? Politics and Forest Burning in Indonesia
    Clare Balboni, Robin Burgess, Anton Heil, Jonathan Old, and Benjamin A. Olken
    2021, In: American Economic Association: Papers and Proceedings, Vol. 111, 415–419.
    PDF Online Appendix
  11. The Consequences of Treating Electricity as a Right
    Robin Burgess, Michael Greenstone, Nicholas Ryan, and Anant Sudarshan
    2020, In: Journal of Economic Perspectives, 34 (1): 145–169.
    PDF Short YouTube Video Long YouTube Video IGC Blog Article VoxDev Talks Podcast
  12. The Glittering Prizes: Career Incentives and Bureaucrat Performance
    Marianne Bertrand, Robin Burgess, Arunish Chawla, and Guo Xu
    2020, In: The Review of Economic Studies, 87 (2): 626–655.
    PDF Online Appendix Replication data The Print Article
  13. Women’s Empowerment in Action: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial in Africa
    Oriana Bandiera, Niklas Buehren, Robin Burgess, Markus Goldstein, Selim Gulesci, Imran Rasul, and Munshi Sulaiman
    2020, In: American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 12 (1): 210–259.
    PDF Online Appendix Replication files Gender Action Portal
  14. Tackling Youth Unemployment: Evidence from a Labour Market Experiment in Uganda
    Livia Alfonsi, Oriana Bandiera, Vittorio Bassi, Robin Burgess, Imran Rasul, Munshi Sulaiman, and Anna Vitali
    2020, In: Econometrica, 88 (6): 2369–2414.
    PDF Online Appendix Replication files Microeconomic Insights article
    VoxDev Video (Robin) VoxDev Video (Imran) World Bank Blog UNIDO IAP article
  15. Labor Markets and Poverty in Village Economies
    Oriana Bandiera, Robin Burgess, Narayan Das, Selim Gulesci, Imran Rasul, and Munshi Sulaiman
    2017, In: The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 132 (2): 811–870.
    PDF Online Appendix VoxDev Article LSE Research Impact case study
  16. The Value of Democracy: Evidence from Road Building in Kenya
    Robin Burgess, Remi Jedwab, Edward Miguel, Ameet Morjaria, and Gerard Padró i Miquel
    2015, In: American Economic Review, 105 (6): 1817–1851.
    PDF Online Appendix Replication Files AEA Research Highlight VoxEU Article Kellogg Insight article IGC Blog
  17. War and Deforestation in Sierra Leone
    Robin Burgess, Edward Miguel, and Charlotte Stanton
    2015, In: Environmental Research Letters, 10 (9): 095014.
  18. The Political Economy of Deforestation in the Tropics
    Robin Burgess, Matthew Hansen, Benjamin A. Olken, Peter Potapov, and Stefanie Sieber
    2012, In: The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 127 (4): 1707–1754.
  19. Can Openness Mitigate the Effects of Weather Shocks? Evidence from India’s Famine Era
    Robin Burgess and Dave Donaldson
    2010, In: American Economic Review, 100 (2): 449–453.
  20. Intentions to Participate in Adolescent Training Programs: Evidence from Uganda
    Oriana Banderia, Markus Goldstein, Imran Rasul, Robin Burgess, Selim Gulesci, and Munshi Sulaiman
    2010, In: Journal of the European Economic Association, 8 (2): 548–560.
    PDF JPAL Blog
  21. The Unequal Effects of Liberalization: Evidence from Dismantling the License Raj in India
    Philippe Aghion, Robin Burgess, Stephen Redding, and Fabrizio Zilibotti
    2008, In: American Economic Review, 98 (4): 1397–1412.
  22. The Policy Origins of Poverty and Growth in India
    Timothy Besley, Robin Burgess, and Berta Esteve-Volart
    2007, In: Delivering on the Promise of Pro-poor Growth: Insights and Lessons from Country Experiences, edited by Timothy Besley and Louise J. Cord, published by the World Bank. Pages 59–78.
  23. Do Rural Banks Matter? Evidence from the Indian Social Banking Experiment
    Robin Burgess and Rohini Pande
    2005, In: American Economic Review, 95 (3): 780–795.
  24. Banking for the Poor: Evidence from India
    Robin Burgess, Rohini Pande, and Grace Wong
    2005, In: Journal of the European Economic Association, 3 (2): 268–278.
  25. Entry Liberalization and Inequality in Industrial Performance
    Philippe Aghion, Robin Burgess, Stephen Redding, and Fabrizio Zilibotti
    2005, In: Journal of the European Economic Association, 3 (2): 291–302.
  26. Can Labor Regulation Hinder Economic Performance? Evidence from India
    Timothy Besley and Robin Burgess
    2004, In: The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 119 (1): 91–134.
  27. Toward a Microeconomics of Growth
    Robin Burgess and Anthony J. Venables
    2004, In: Accelerating Development: Annual Bank Conference in Development Economics, edited by François Bourguignon and Boris Pleskovic, published by The World Bank and Oxford University Press. Pages 105–139.
  28. The Political Economy of Government Responsiveness: Theory and Evidence from India
    Timothy Besley and Robin Burgess
    2002, In: The Quarterly Journal of Economics
  29. Mass Media and Political Accountability
    Timothy Besley, Robin Burgess, and Andrea Prat
    2002, In: The Right to Tell: The Role of Mass Media in Economic Development, edited by Roumeen Islam, published by The World Bank. Pages 45–60.
  30. Political Agency, Government Responsiveness and the Role of the Media
    Timothy Besley and Robin Burgess
    2001, In: European Economic Review, 45 (4): 629–640.
  31. Land Reform, Poverty Reduction, and Growth: Evidence from India
    Timothy Besley and Robin Burgess
    2000, In: The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 115 (2): 389–430.
  32. Value-added tax Options for India
    Robin Burgess, Stephen Howes, and Nicholas Stern
    1995, In: International Tax and Public Finance, 2 (1): 109–141.
  33. The Reform of Indirect Taxes in India
    Robin Burgess, Stephen Howes, and Nicholas Stern
    1995, In: India, the Future of Economic Reform, edited by Robert Cassen and Vijay Joshi, published by Oxford University Press. Pages 113–166.
  34. The Behaviour of State Firms in Eastern Europe, Pre-privatisation
    Philippe Aghion, Olivier Blanchard, and Robin Burgess
    1994, In: European Economic Review, 38 (6): 1327–1349.
  35. Taxation and Development
    Robin Burgess and Nicholas Stern
    1993, In: Journal of Economic Literature, 31 (2): 762–830.
## Unpublished papers and other publiations
  1. Community Networks and Poverty Reduction Programmes: Evidence from Bangladesh
    Oriana Bandiera, Robin Burgess, Selim Gulesci, and Imran Rasul
    2009, LSE STICERD Research Paper No. EOPP015.
  2. Benchmarking Government Provision of Social Safety Nets
    Timothy Besley, Robin Burgess, and Imran Rasul
    2003, Social Protection Discussion Papers and Notes 27870, The World Bank.
  3. Modernisation and Son Preference
    Robin Burgess and Juzhong Zhuang
    2000, LSE Research Online Documents on Economics, Number 2115.